Here are instructions on participating: the best advice is to make something that you would really love to receive yourself. Also, if you have ANY problems with the process contact us at:
2.Make decisions about the music you'd like to include, songs that are personal to you and remind you of other people or moments in your life. You might choose songs that all share a connection: songs by women with the name Joan, songs that repeat certain words or that have instructions of "DO" or "DON'T" in the titles. You might include songs that you write or perform yourself.
3.Next, choose how you will record these songs?- is it possible for the theme of the event to determine the form?How may the songs you have selected influence how you record the collection? Do you feel strongly about the videos that go with songs or films that have featured the music you have chosen? You may record the collection in any way you like- as sound, text, video, visuals or a combination of many things and other things. (If you have an idea and are unsure if it is possible or feel that you can not perform this part of the process, contact us at so we can try to advise you, help you find and use equipment or we may even make the recording on your behalf!)
4.Record your collection!! Consider the order of the songs, where you place them in relation to each other and how your placement of each song will inform it's reading:Joan Baez next to Bob Dylan, Side A:Dreams-Fleetwood Mac/Side B: Go your own way-Fleetwood Mac. Create a structure that will tell a journey or create a sense of chronology, consider the amount of space between each one, where a song begins and ends- and wether is it possible to narrate the songs, record in between or over them with spoken words, other sounds and other songs?
5.Document the recording: Make a sleeve or booklet, map or love letter, post it note flick book, you may include a small biography about yourself, write something about the process of making the collection- the choices you made, the songs you selected- write something about your life and your hopes for the exchange, include drawings, photos, newspaper clippings, and anything else you'd like to share. IF YOUR COLLECTION IS ONLINE it would be useful if you found a way to document it including instructions on how and where to access it to bring along to the exchange.
6.It would be very good if you Registered your recording: send an email to expressing which event you will be attending, the form of your contribution and some kind of playlist/description of the content.
7.Attend the event and exchange!
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